8 items total
FLYING STORK - hanging decoration to the room

Hello, I am a flying Stork. I would be a beautiful decoration for your children's room. I am made from solid wood and If you pull me by the string I'll start to swing and wave...

Code: 80447
wooden stork flying decoration

Hello, I am a flying Stork. I would be a beautiful decoration for your children's room. I am made from solid wood and If you pull me by the string I'll start to swing and wave...

Code: 80435
flying stork wooden decoration

Hello, I am Stork. I want to come live with you in your room and make you happy. Pull me by my string and I'll wave my wings.     

Code: 68125
Létací Chocholouš ze dřeva Archie

Hello, I am a flying Parrot. I would be a beautiful decoration for your children's room. I am made from solid wood and if you pull me by the string I'll start to swing and wave...

Code: 80470
wooden dragon flying decoration

Hello, I am Dragon. I want to come live with you in your room and make you happy. Pull me by my string and I'll wave my wings.     

Code: 68121
68123. dřevěný tukan dětská pohyblivá dekorace

Hello, I am Toucan. I want to come live with you in your room and make you happy. Pull me by my string and I'll wave my wings.     

Code: 68123
68122. dřevěný racek dekorace do dětského pokoje

Hello, I am Seagull. I want to come live with you in your room and make you happy. Pull me by my string and I'll wave my wings.     

Code: 68122
Pelikan wooden hanging decoration

Hello, I am Pelican. I want to come live with you in your room and make you happy. Pull me by my string and I'll wave my wings.

Code: 68126