618 items total
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Tanečnice

Hello children, I am a Dancer. A puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1642
Velký kornoutový maňásek - Sova - hračka z textilu

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 11381A
Maňásek - Sněhurka s čelenkou a mašlí - hračka z textilu

I am Snow white, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 22092C
63045 loutka rytíř

Hello children, I am knight, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0298
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Rytíř

Hello children, I am knight puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control and...

Code: 1650
Rozpěrná tyč - 70-120cm

Fabric theatre accessories for puppets. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 92051A
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Středověká princezna

Hello children, I am a Princess. A puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to...

Code: 1622
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Princezna růžová

Hello children, I am a Princess, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0293
6392 princezna eliska textilni manasek na ruku 36 cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am a Princess Eliška, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 21534B
6383 princezna anicka textilni manasek na ruku 36 cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am Princess Anička, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 21534A
Maňásek - Princezna - hračka z textilu

I am a Princess, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 22862A
71352 textilní maňásek princezna

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 22534A
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Princezna růžová

Hello children, I am a Princess puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1656
Maňásek - Princ Vendelín - hračka z textilu

I am Prince Vendelín, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 26138A
Maňásek - Princ Vendelín - hračka z textilu

I am Prince Vendelín, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 22863A
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Středověký princ

Hello children, I am a Prince. A puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1625
63044 loutka princ

Hello children, I am Prince, a puppet without the strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0294
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Princ

Hello children, I am a Prince puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1657

I am Piggy, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!

Code: 24625A

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.

Code: 99914C

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.

Code: 99914E

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.

Code: 99914D
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Pirát

Hello children, I am a Pirate. A puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1672
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Pinochio

Hello children, I am Pinocchio, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0282
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - pes

Hello children, I am a Doggy. a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0250
Maňásek - Pejsek - hračka z textilu

I am Doggy, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 20311A
Malý kornoutový maňásek - Ovečka - hračka z textilu

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 13409A
Maňásek - Ovečka - hračka z textilu

I am a Sheep, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24409B
Maňásek - Osel - hračka z textilu

I am Donkey, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24395A
71358 textilní maňásek námořník (1)

I am a Sailor, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22573A

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 27908A
Maňásek - Myška - hračka z textilu

I am Mouse, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24609A

Fabric toy for 1 year old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 35918Z

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 20908A
Maňásek - Myslivec s puškou - hračka z textilu

I am Hunter, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 26673A
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - myslivec

Hello children, I am Hunter, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0275
Maňásek - Myslivec - hračka z textilu

I am Hunter, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22855A
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Myslivec

Hello children, I am Hunter, a puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1678
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - medvěd

Hello children, I am Bear, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0266

I am a Sheep, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23608A
Maňásek - Medvídek - hračka z textilu

I am Bear, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 20318A
Maňásek - Žabka uzlík - hračka z textilu

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 23604B
6347 mazlici zajicek manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Bunny, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23615A
6341 mazlici prasatko manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Piggy, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23614A
6422 1 mazlici pejsek manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Doggy, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23601B
6329 mazlici pejsek manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Doggy, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23611A
6413 mazlici ovecka manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am a Sheep, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23603C
6344 mazlici ovecka manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am a Sheep, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23613A
71066 mazlici oslik (2)

I am Donkey, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23606C
6350 mazlici oslik manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Donkey, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23616A
6353 mazlici medvidek manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Bear, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23618A
6332 mazlici kocicka manasek pro nejmensi deti

I am Kitty, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 23612A
Maňásek - Kočička uzlík - hračka z textilu

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 23602A
63041 loutka mařenka

Hello children, I am Gretel, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0286
71354 textiní maňásek mařenka (1)

I am Gretel, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22833B
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Mařenka

Hello children, I am Gretel puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control and...

Code: 1676
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - máma

Hello children, I am Mommy, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0278

I am Lion, soft puppet for a lot of hugging and fun. If I get dirty, you can clean me easily. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 20309A
63032 loutka liška

Hello children, I am a Fox, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0260
71350 textilní maňásek liška

I am a Fox, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24613C
71331 textilní kornout liška (1)

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 11613C

I am Lion, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24620B

I am Piglet Kvído, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22649B
Maňásek - Kůzle - hračka z textilu

I am Goatling, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24619A
71361 textilní maňásek kuchař (2)

I am Cook, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22888A

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 45917C

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 45910C

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 29904Z

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 99914A

Fabric toy for 1 year old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 20904Z

Fabric toy for the smallest children (0+ years old). Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 20903Z
Maňásek - klapací Krokodýl - hračka z textilu

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 23448B
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Královna

Hello children, I am Queen, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0271
Maňásek - Královna Ester - hračka z textilu

I am Queen, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22877A
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Královna

Hello children, I am Queen, a puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1601
Maňásek - Král - hračka z textilu

I am King, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22861A
Maňásek - Král Valentýn - hračka z textilu

I am King, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22180A
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Král

Hello children, I am King, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0270
animals hand puupets set

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 24703A
set of hand puppets wolf and fawns

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 24702A
22784D PT03 (1)

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 22784D

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 22791E
hand puppets in a box pinocchio

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 22789C
box with hand puppets gingerberad house

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 22790A

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 22782F
royal family hand puppets in a box

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.          

Code: 22787B
22793E puss in boots

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 22793E

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 24706A
26756B 1

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 26756B
little red riding hood hand puppets set

Set of textile toys for children aged 3 and up. Traditional but modern design, high-quality production, unique product. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO....

Code: 22757C
63028 loutka kozička modrá

Hello children, I am Little Goat, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0254
63026 loutka koza

Hello children, I am Goat, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0252
Maňásek - Koza ze zástěrou - hračka z textilu

I am Goat, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24618A
71365 textilní maňásek kouzelník (1)

I am Magician, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22582A
Maňásek - Kouzelník modrý - hračka z textilu

I am Magician, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22109A
71349 textilní maňásek kočička šedá (1)

I am Kitty, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24601C
Maňásek - Kočička bílá - hračka z textilu

I am Kitty, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 24601A
44082 dětské švihadlo kočka

Hello children! I am beautiful colorful skipping rope with wooden grips in the shape of a Cat. Let´s improve your condition and persistence with playing with me. You will help...

Code: 44082
6389 kluk textilni manasek na ruku 37cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am Boy, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 25002A
63042 loutka klaun

Hello children, I am Clown, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0291
6398 klaun textilni manasek na ruku 37 cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am Clown, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 25234B
2745 klaun textilni manasek na ruku 28cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am Clown, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22207A
Maňásek - Kašpárek Vilda - hračka z textilu

I am Jester, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22227A
63043 loutka kašpárek žlutý pásek

Hello children, I am Jester, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0292
6395 kasparek textilni manasek na ruku 37cm ceska hracka certifikovana pro deti od 3 let

I am Jester, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 25218A
Maňásek - Till žlutý límec - hračka z textilu

I am Jester, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 26234B
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Kašpárek žlutý pásek

Hello children, I am Jester puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control and...

Code: 1652
Maňásek - Karkulka s košíčkem puntikovaná - hračka z textilu

I am Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 26047D
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Karkulka

Hello children, I am Little Red Riding Hood, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home...

Code: 0287

I am Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22047F
Maňásek - Karkulka - hračka z textilu

I am Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22856A
Loutka na tyči hračka ze dřeva - Ježibaba

Hello children, I am a Witch, a puppet without strings. I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest children at home or in the...

Code: 0295
Dřevěná loutka - hračka ze dřeva - Ježibaba hrbatá

Hello children, I am a Witch, a puppet made from scented wood. With me you can develop your imagination, speech, vocabulary, and ability to learn and focus. I'm easy to control...

Code: 1698
Maňásek - Ježibaba - hračka z textilu

I am a Witch, a puppet without the strings, and a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!....

Code: 22834B

Fabric toy for 3 years old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 39915Y

Fabric toy for 1 year old children or older. Czech product from the brand MORAVSKÁ ÚSTŘEDNA BRNO.     

Code: 35915Y
63040 loutka jeníček

Hello children, I am Hansel, a puppet without the strings puppet without strings, I'm controlled by a stick, but I can still move a lot. I am most enjoyed by the smallest...

Code: 0285
71353 textilní maňásek jeníček (1)

I am Hansel, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22830A

I am Hansel, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 22829B

I am a Unicorn, a fairy tale puppet meant for lots of fun. I'm best suited for children or ladies. I fulfill all legal norms, so let's go play!     

Code: 20330A
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